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generator-thing beta

generator-thing is a yeoman generator for building websites with eliothing's models. With this platform you can rapidly create Django apps modelled on https://schema.org "Things".

You can use it like this:

npm install -g generator-thing
# scaffold root folder basics like gitignore, README, etc
yo thing
yo thing:repo
# produce a JSON file which is an instance of a Thing (thinglet).
yo thing:thing --identifier my-app-name --subjectOf elioSuperGroup
# Scaffold apps driven by libraries built for **the elioWay**
yo thing:django --identifier my-django-name --subjectOf elioSuperGroup
yo thing:flask --identifier my-flask-name --subjectOf elioSuperGroup
yo thing:node --identifier my-node-name --subjectOf elioSuperGroup